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[Reporter's view]Double regulation of penalties for rebates

By Lee, Jeong-Hwan | translator Choi HeeYoung

20.10.28 06:10:25

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Rebates in the Pharmaceutical Industry's trick to `ship to pharmacies' has been repeated for decades. Some of them are established as practice and are taken for granted.

During the two-week grace period given by the MFDS prior to the suspension of sale, pharmaceutical companies are actually making total sales by releasing drugs that cannot be sold for three months (6 months of second detection) to pharmacies.

The grace period given to alleviate discomfort for patients taking medication is rather abused as a intensive promotion period for disposal items of Rebates in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Moreover, the inconvenience of pharmacists who have to pre-order stocks in order

Lee, Jeong-Hwan(junghwanss@dailypharm.com)
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