Regulation of COVID-19 vaccines is imminent
By Lee, Jeong-Hwan | translator Choi HeeYoung
21.08.27 06:18:23
It's possible to legislate immediately without a full review

As the "Special Act on the Development of Public Health Crisis Response Medical Products and the Emergency Supply" sub-enforcement decree passed the Regulation Reform Committee preliminary review, regulations and management such as COVID vaccines will be strengthened.
The MFDS plans to conduct a follow-up investigation of the public health crisis-response vaccine announced in April, report methods of abnormal cases, emergency production and import orders, and establish regulations on distribution improvement measures.
On the 25th, the Regulation Reform Committee judged all four regulatory provisions as "non-critical regulations" as a result of the MFDS' preliminary review of the Enforceme
Lee, Jeong-Hwan(
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