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RWD & RWE will be important means of use in post-evaluation

By Kim, Jung-Ju | translator Choi HeeYoung

21.11.05 06:00:45

가나다라 0

The government said, "If it used well, the flexibility may be increased beyond unconditional regulations in the benefit stage."

The quality of the site, which will be the standard, such as standardization of medical records at hospitals where data will be calculated.

Limited replacement is appropriate as a means of supplementing proven RC

The quality of the site, which will be the standard, such as standardization of medical records at hospitals where data will be calculated. The task of government insurance authorities and the private sector is to increase patient access to very expensive and innovative new drugs, in other words, to make benefit entry smoother and faster. The government, the National Assembly, and the pharmaceutical community continue to consider revitalizing related systems such as the "the approval-benefit linkage system" and "post-registration evaluation," but the emergence of ultra-high-priced drugs cannot be covered by our evidence-based in

Kim, Jung-Ju(jj0831@dailypharm.com)
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