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K-COVID-19 vaccine developers will ¡®power through till end'

By Kim, Jin-Gu | translator Alice Kang

21.11.13 06:00:55

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Cellid applies for Phase IIb/III trial¡¦ in line with development of a vaccine for COVID-19 variants

SK Bioscience will focus on supplying its vaccine to developing countries after Phase III trial¡¦ Genexine to develop vaccines as booster shot

Domestic vaccine developers have been accelerating the last phases of their clinical trials. SK Bioscience and Genexine have started Phase III trials in Korea and abroad, and Cellid has submitted its Phase IIb/III clinical trial plan.

Domestic developers have come up with new strategies to continue the development of their vaccines with the value of latecomer vaccines lowering due to the domestic vaccination rate reaching nearly 80% in Korea and the introduction of oral COVID-19 treatments imminent.

¡ßCellid applied for Phase 2b/3 trial¡¦ starts development of a vaccine against variants

If the clinical trial protocol is approved, the Phase IIb clinical trial will be

Kim, Jin-Gu(kjg@dailypharm.com)
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