Benefit for 46 generics for Eliquis will be kicked out
By Kim, Jung-Ju | translator Choi HeeYoung
21.11.22 06:18:22
There's no actual price change due to suspension of execution
BMS won the patent dispute between BMS' Eliquis (Apixaban) and it's generics, which had a patent dispute between companies due to generics released before the patent expired. Dozens of generics have been forced to withdraw their benefits. Generics will be legally removed from the list immediately on the 1st of next month due to the establishment of patent infringement, and the original drug, Eliquis, will return to its original price (upper limit price).
According to the industry, the MOHW is pushing for a revision (proposal) of the drug benefit list.
This lawsuit is a patent dispute after being released after listing the benefit before the expiration of the original patent. Patents related
Kim, Jung-Ju(
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