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α-GPC can't be replaced with other drugs in the field

By Kim, Jin-Gu | translator Choi HeeYoung

21.11.23 06:00:30

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[Interview] Ha Sangwook, head of the department of neurology at On Hospital in Busan

Despite the reduction in benefits, the prescription amount must be similar to before

Wait for the validation of Aducanumab

Apart from the steady increase in the number of patients over the past 20 years, there has been no significant change in dementia treatments used in Clinic sites. However, two major changes have been predicted in the past two years. One is the controversy over the preparation of Choline alfoscerate in Korea, and the other is the controversy surrounding Aducanumab, a new dementia treatment drug that has been released for more than 20 years.

The controversy is whether the drug is effective enough. The solution to the controversy is quite similar. Regulators in South Korea and the U.S. have instructed the controversy surrounding the two drugs to properly verify their validity through "clinical re-evaluation."

Kim, Jin-Gu(kjg@dailypharm.com)
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