241 items of the impurity detected Losartan were recovered
By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Choi HeeYoung
21.12.07 09:14:38
Azido impurities are detected in Losartan, HTN treatment , and all 241 items are recovered, and only some manufacturing numbers of 54 items are recovered. However, 11 items are sold as they are because impurities are not detected excessively.
The MFDS explained that the risk of harm to the human body is very low, but in the case of patients, it is possible to exchange products, be re-prescribed, and be re-dispensed. It has been decided that Hanmi Pharmaceutical products can be sold.
The MFDS announced on the 7th that as a result of a safety survey on impurities in the middle of the drug containing Lozartan, which is a treatment for hypertension, the daily intake allowance (1.7~88
Lee, Tak-Sun(hooggasi2@dailypharm.com)
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