¡é¡éSales of smoking cessation txs by 75% in 4 yrs
By Ji Yong Jun | translator Choi HeeYoung
22.03.03 06:00:42
Leading Champix's sales fell 65.6% year-on-year due to last year's impurity crisis
Original distribution stopped and the entire market was reduced
The market for Varenicline, a non-smoking supplement, has fallen to a quarter in four years. This is because the distribution of the original drug Pfizer Champix, which led the market, was suspended due to an impurity crisis in the second half of last year. According to IQVIA, a pharmaceutical research institute, sales of Varenicline last year were 16.2 billion won, down 22.1% from the previous year. Compared to the sales of the Varenicline system of 65 billion won in 2017, it decreased by 75.1% in four years.
¡ã(Data: IQVIA)
Most of the sales of Varenicline products came from the original product Champix. However, as Champix's sales fell, the overall market size also fell. Champix's sales fell 65.6% from the previous
Ji Yong Jun(jun1@dailypharm.com)
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