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Based on PVA exclusion, the arithmetic average is 90%

By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Choi HeeYoung

22.03.28 09:29:13

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Revised detailed operation guidelines, excluding total annual claims of less than 2 billion won

Drugs subject to PVA with an arithmetic average of less than 90% of the same product group are excluded. Previously, only drugs below the arithmetic average were excluded, but the target was further narrowed to less than 90%.

Products with annual claims of less than 2 billion won are also excluded from PVA drugs. Previously, products worth less than 1.5 billion won were excluded, but the revision will expand the drugs subject to exclusion. The NHIS announced on the 28th that it will revise detailed operating guidelines for PVA negotiations to enhance the role of drug expenditure management and promote efficiency in operating the system. The NHIS explained that the PVA negotiation system is a system that

Lee, Tak-Sun(hooggasi2@dailypharm.com)
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