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Fexclu priced at 90% of the weighted average of K-CAB+PPIs

By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Alice Kang

22.05.20 06:18:14

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HIRA presents assessed price to Daewoong¡¦ Daewoong likely to accept the price as is

Price gap widens with K-CAB, which was given premium pricing¡¦ industry ¡°Need to provide incentives for homegrown new drugs¡±

The price of ¡®Fexclu Tab (fexuprazan), the potassium-competitive acid blocker (P-CAB) class gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) treatment developed by Daewoong Pharmaceutical was set at 90% of the weighted average price of the same class drug ¡®K-CAB (tegoprazan, HK Inno.N) and PPI (proton-pump inhibitors) drugs.

On the 12th, the Drug Reimbursement Evaluation Committee of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service had deemed that reimbursement for the drug was adequate if the company accepts a price below the appraised amount. The appraised amount was set at 90% of the price of ¡®K-CAB+PPI¡¯ after classifying the alternative of Fexuclu as 'K-Cap + PPI¡¯ in the calculation formula.

Lee, Tak-Sun(hooggasi2@dailypharm.com)
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