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The age group for SKYCovione was expanded

By Lee, Jeong-Hwan | translator Choi HeeYoung

22.07.19 09:51:06

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Change the target condition to 19 or older from adult under the age of 19 to 50

SK Bioscience has expanded the conditions for clinical trials for cross-administration of booster shots (additional inoculations) of the nation's first COVID-19 vaccine SKYCovione (GBP510) to those aged 50 or older. This is due to the recent diversification of mutations and the re-proliferation of COVID-19. As a result, the company is expected to provide a clinical basis for being used as a booster shot for the elderly who have previously been vaccinated with mRNA vaccines.

According to the pharmaceutical industry on the 18th, all adults aged 19 and older can participate in SK Bioscience's heterogeneous booster shot (additional vaccination with other vaccines), which was originally conducted for adults

Lee, Jeong-Hwan(junghwanss@dailypharm.com)
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