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Benefit for Sigmart 48mg will be newly established on Sept.

By Kim, Jung-Ju | translator Choi HeeYoung

22.08.23 13:20:31

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Ministry of Health and Welfare, Announcement of Administrative Notice of Partial Revision of Standards and Method Details

Cellcept·Stelara PFS 45mg increases salary

Including Sigmart 48mg, JW Pharmaceutical's angina treatment, Nitroglycerin such as Nicorandil's drug, Elyson's Perlinganit 0.1% injection, which is used as a blood pressure control before and after surgery, and Verapamil HCl, Sanofi-Aventis Korea's Adenosine, are expected to be reimbursed next month. The benefits of Mycophenolate mofetil injections such as Roche's Cellcept, which is used to prevent rapid growth rejection of patients with kidney, heart, and liver transplants, and Ustekinumab injections such as Stella PFS 45mg, which treat psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis, will be expanded.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare decided to push for a partial revision no

Kim, Jung-Ju(jj0831@dailypharm.com)
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