Enactment of preferential pricing sublaws slow
By Lee, Jeong-Hwan | translator Alice Kang
22.09.06 06:18:14
KHIDI is making supplements to the research report for 4 months since its receipt
¡°Measure to avoid international trade conflict may not have been prepared yet¡±
Although the research service ordered by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Health Industry Development Institute and conducted by Professor Mi-Hye Park¡¯s research team at the School of Pharmacy at Sungkyunkwan University, has been completed, the authorities are known to be having difficulty in preparing the specific provisions for the statute.
On the 5th, the MOHW responded that it is ¡°supplementing the final result reports, includ
Lee, Jeong-Hwan(junghwanss@dailypharm.com)
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