Domestic authorization for the Quadrivial Adjuvant Flu Vac
By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Choi HeeYoung
22.09.20 06:00:30
Fluad Quadrivalent from CSL Seqirus, a vaccine company
Improving the immune response of the elderly to increase the preventive effectiveness, and recommending organizations under the U.S. CDC
With the flu warning issued in September, the beginning of Autumn, an upgraded flu vaccine was also approved in Korea. It is a tetravalent Adjuvant vaccine that can be used for people aged 65 or older, and is a product of a pharmaceutical company called CSL Seqirus, which is still unfamiliar in Korea. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced on the 19th that it has approved Meditip's Fluad Quadrivalent PFS (MF59 Adjuvant). Meditip, a pharmaceutical consulting firm, seems to have been granted the product on behalf of CSL Seqirus, which has not yet been licensed in Korea. CSL Seqirus is a vaccine company that combines the vaccine division of Australian pharmaceutical company CSL and the Novartis influenza divisio
Lee, Tak-Sun(