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Daewoong Pharmaceutical launches botulinum drug in the UK

By Chon, Seung-Hyun | translator Choi HeeYoung

22.10.05 09:52:42

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Nuceiva Launches in the UK

The botulinum toxin drug developed by Daewoong Pharmaceutical has been released in earnest in the European market. Daewoong Pharmaceutical announced on the 5th that Nabota, a botulinum toxin drug, was officially released in the UK under the product name Nuceiva. It started selling in the UK last month through Daewoong Pharmaceutical's overseas partner Evolus.

The UK is the largest single market in Europe, accounting for about 30% of the European botulinum toxin market worth 650 billion won per year. Evolus, a North American and European beauty indication partner of Daewoong Pharmaceutical, is in charge of Nuceiva's distribution and marketing in the UK. Evolus formed a strategic partnership with Wigmore,

Chon, Seung-Hyun(1000@dailypharm.com)
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