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Emergency Contraception (EC) monopolized by Hyundai

By | translator Choi HeeYoung

22.10.08 06:00:34

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Exclusive to Hyundai Ellaone in the ingredient market for Ulipristal Acetate

Four companies, including GL Pharma, are expected to release generic this month

All 4 are produced by GL Pharma

As generics enter the Emergency Contraception (EC) market, which is dominated by Hyundai Pharmaceutical, a maximum of five-way race is expected. Generics that avoided patents led by GL Pharma predicted full-scale sales this month. According to the pharmaceutical industry on the 8th, Arlico Pharmaceutical, The U, GL Pharma, and Kwangdong Pharmaceutical will release EC containing Ulipristal ingredients this month. They obtained an item license from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in June last month. All are generics of Hyundai Pharmaceutical's Ellaone, and GL Pharma is in charge of producing all four products.

GL Pharma was the first to obtain generic for Ellaone and then recruited companies to launc

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