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Daewoong obtained an item license for Fexuclu

By | translator Choi HeeYoung

22.11.10 14:13:37

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The goal of submitting an application for item permission from 10 global countries within this year


Daewoong Pharmaceutical announced on the 10th that Fexuclu, a new drug for gastroesophageal reflux disease, obtained an item license from the Philippines FDA on the 3rd. The approval was made about eight months after submitting an application for item permission (NDA) at the end of February. It takes about three years to obtain an item license in the Philippines, and Daewoong Pharmaceutical explained that it has greatly shortened the period based on its know-how. Daewoong Pharmaceutical will invite KOLs, including the chairman of the Philippine Gastroenterological Society, to hold a Fexuclu symposium on the 24th and share directions and opinions on entering the Philippine market. Starting from the Philippines, the com

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