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Keytruda has booked high sales in the domestic market

By Chon, Seung-Hyun | translator Choi HeeYoung

22.11.28 06:00:55

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Keytruda leads 11 consecutive quarters

Gardasil 9, cumulative Q3 sales ↑68% year-on-year

Keytruda, an immuno-cancer drug, has reserved a leading position in the domestic pharmaceutical market for 3 consecutive years. New drug products recently released by multinational pharmaceutical companies such as Gardasil 9 and Dupixent continued to be high. According to IQVIA, a pharmaceutical research firm, MSD Keytruda posted 161.6 billion won in sales in the first three quarters of this year, the largest among all medicines. Compared to the same period last year, it increased by 11.1%, firmly maintaining its leading position. Keytruda's sales in the first quarter were 40.4 billion won, down 8.4% from the previous year. At that time, the decline in sales was blamed for the drug price cut. Keytruda's insurance upper l

Chon, Seung-Hyun(1000@dailypharm.com)
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