When will Xocova be approved in Korea?
By Nho, Byung Chul | translator Alice Kang
22.11.30 06:00:24
Satisfies efficacy endpoint... is already prescribed in Japan
Can be stably supplied if manufactured in Korea... will support pharmaceutical sovereignty
Taken 5 days, 1 tablet a day... improves convenience in intake for patients
With the new oral COVID-19 treatment Xocova starting prescriptions in Japan after obtaining emergency regulatory approval from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), attention is rising on whether it will be approved in Korea as well.
In Korea, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency determines the need and grants Emergency Use Authorizations to drugs after expedited review, rather than choosing among companies that submitted applications.
Although no news has been heard on whether Xocova is being officially undergoing approval processes yet, news has been heard that the government will start a review, and Ildong Pharmaceutical has started preparations for Em
Nho, Byung Chul(sasiman@dailypharm.com)
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