Organon sold 3 types of infertility & contraceptives
By | translator Choi HeeYoung
22.12.19 13:20:02
Puregon, Organutran, and Impranon Direct Sales and Marketing from next year
According to Organon, the company will directly sell and market the infertility treatments Puregon and Organutran, and the implantable contraceptive Impranon in the body from next year. The company explained that it is a strategic business decision to realize the promotion of women's health. The goal is to strengthen competitiveness in infertility and contraception markets, including existing women's health products.
Impranon will start direct marketing on January 1, 2023. Puregon and Orgalutran will be in charge of Organon Korea after the co-promotion contract with Han Wha, sc
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