Koselugo is the only non-reimbursed drug among 21
By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Alice Kang
23.01.03 06:18:13
9 drugs accepted adequate for reimbursement...11 items pass with condition
15 of 20 succeed in receiving reimbursement... 3 to receive results soon
The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service’s Drug Reimbursement Evaluation Committee (DREC) reviewed 21 items last year, among which only 1 failed to pass deliberations and be determined non-reimbursable. This non-reimbursed drug was the neurofibroma treatment ‘Koselugo Cap.’
Among the other 20, 9 were recognized to be adequate for reimbursement, and 11 received a partial nod under the condition that reimbursement is adequate if the company accepts a price lower than the assessed price for their drugs.
Upon review of the products that filed applications for reimbursement based on results of the 12 DREC meetings that were held in 2022 on the 2nd, Dailypharm found that only 1 of th
Lee, Tak-Sun(hooggasi2@dailypharm.com)
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