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Rinvoq PR 30 mg & Fexuclu 10 mg listed

By Lee, Jeong-Hwan | translator Choi HeeYoung

23.01.18 12:02:16

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Effective next month

Procoralan was added as standard therapeutic agent

 ¡ãThe Ministry of Health and Welfare will overhaul Rinvoq, Procoralan, and Fexuclu (from left) standards

With the new listing of high-content products of Rinvoq PR, a severe atopic drug, the salary standard changes. The angina drug Procoralan is a standard treatment drug and an angiotensin II receptor blocker is added. Fexuclu, a gastroesophageal reflux disease drug, will have four new benefits listed, including a low content of 10 mg oral medicine. On the 18th, the Ministry of Health and Welfare will collect opinions by the 27th after giving an administrative notice of "partial revision of the detailed (drug) on the application standards and methods of medical care benefits." The scheduled effective date is February 1.

¡ß Rinvoq PR 30mg will be newly registered, adding '30mg' to the name of the notific

Lee, Jeong-Hwan(junghwanss@dailypharm.com)
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