Non-face-to-face treatment included as key policy task
By Kang, Shin-Kook | translator Kim, Jung-Ju
23.02.07 06:18:42
MOE deliberates and decides on key social policies to promote in 2023
Includes support measures for essential healthcare for pediatrics, obstetrics, and gynecology
The Korean government is expected to make systemic improvements in the field of healthcare this year, with non-face-to-face treatment included as a key social policy.
The Ministry of Education (Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Ju-Ho Lee) held the first Ministerial Conference on Social Relations at the Government Complex-Seoul on the 6th to deliberate and decide on a plan for implementing key social policies in 2023.
The 2023 Key Social Policy Implementation Plan that was jointly established by 15 social government ministries contained the vision, goals, and major policy tasks for social policies and areas that the ministries will focus and collaborate on this year.
Kang, Shin-Kook(
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