Legislation requiring submission of botulinum strains
By Lee, Jeong-Hwan | translator Kim, Jung-Ju
23.03.22 17:01:23
Welfare Committee Legislative Subcommittee decides to continue the review of the bill to strengthen the regulation of pathogens of bioterrorism infectious diseases
A bill that makes it mandatory to submit genetic information of bioterrorism infectious diseases such as botulinum toxin to domestic quarantine authorities and cancels the possession permit if not submitted did not pass the Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly held on the 22nd. If the bill is passed, it may lead to excessive regulation of trade secrets and property values of pharmaceutical companies with botulinum toxin strains, and retroactive application of the submission obligation to pharmaceutical companies prior to the enforcement of the law may be intrusive or cause trust protection problems. This is the result of reflecting the opinion of the expert member's office of the Welfare Committee tha
Lee, Jeong-Hwan(junghwanss@dailypharm.com)