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Korean pharma industry expands R&D investments

By Chon, Seung-Hyun | translator Kim, Jung-Ju

23.05.18 05:50:52

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20 traditional pharmaceutical companies increase R&D investments in Q1

R&D expenditures increase in 14 of the 20 companies...Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s R&D to sale is 18%

Pharmaceutical companies have vigorously engaged in research and development (R&D) activities to discover future foods. 7 out of 10 major traditional pharmaceutical companies increased their R&D investment compared to last year. R&D expenditures have increased significantly due to the development of new drugs and the introduction of new R&D pipelines. In particular, R&D investments by GC Biopharma and JW Pharmaceuticals soared.

According to the Financial Supervisory Service on the 25th, the R&D investment made by 20 major biopharmaceutical companies in Q1 totaled up to KRW 390.6 billion, which was 13.4% increase from the previous year. The top 20 sales of traditional pharmaceutical companies that submitted

Chon, Seung-Hyun(1000@dailypharm.com)
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