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K-Pharma Bio ASCO launch table

By Hwang, Jin-joon | translator Kim, Jung-Ju

23.05.31 12:10:53

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Yuhan Lazertinib, Potential Effectiveness in Treatment of Brain Metastasis Lung Cancer

Cell therapy products of GC Cell and Artiva, ORR 27% in early clinical trials

Genexine, AbClone, and Abion announced the clinical results of their candidate materials

Pipeline clinical results of major domestic pharmaceutical bio companies such as Yuhan Corp. were disclosed at ASCO. According to the industry on the 31st, the abstract of a paper scheduled to be presented at ASCO, which will be held in Chicago, USA from June 2nd to 6th (local time), was recently released. ASCO is a major international academic conference that celebrates its 59th this year. About 400 biopharmaceutical companies from all over the world participate every year. There are more than 2,900 paper abstracts published this year. Most of the research results are made public in the form of posters. At this ASCO, Yuhan Corp. and GC Cell's US affiliates Artiva, Genexine, AbClon, and Abion disclosed research result

Hwang, Jin-joon(jin@dailypharm.com)
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