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Development of Recomid generics fierce despite reeval issue

By Kim, Jin-Gu | translator Kim, Jung-Ju

23.06.15 06:17:05

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5 bioequivalence tests from 4 companies were approved this year... 33 companies are attempting to avoid Recomid’s patent in Korea

Companies started out the development of their generics aware that ‘Rebamipide’ is subject to reimbursement reevaluations

Rebamipide market grows to reach KRW 140 billion per year... Recomid SR’s sales grow rapidly

 ▲Pic of Yuhan Corp

Development of generics of Yuhan Corp’s antiulcer drug, ‘Recomid SR’ (rebamipide),’ continues to remain fierce in Korea.

Despite the authorities’ notification of the reevaluation of rebamipide, generic companies are continuing to develop their generic versions as planned along with patent challenges.

The rebamipide-based antiulcer drug market has been growing rapidly recently, mainly around Recomid SR Tab. This is why the industry believes that the generic companies decided to take the risk and believe that the reevaluation results will be to ‘maintain reimbursement.’

According to industry sources on the 15th, CMG Pharma received approval for a test plan to evaluate

Kim, Jin-Gu(kjg@dailypharm.com)
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