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Samsung Biologics signs 2 CMO contracts with Pfizer

By Chon, Seung-Hyun | translator Kim, Jung-Ju

23.07.04 09:05:28

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Signed 1 new CMO agreement and 1 contract expansion agreement

Value of Pfizer's accumulated contracts worth KRW 1.4 trillion

 ▲Exterior perspective view of Samsung Biologics

Samsung Biologics signed two contract manufacturing organization agreements with Pfizer. The contracts, including the largest single contract ever made that is valued at KRW 922.7 billion (approximately USD 818 million), have been successfully concluded, totaling the amount to KRW 1.2 trillion (approximately USD 1.06 billion).

On the 4th, Samsung Biologics announced that it has signed a contract manufacturing agreement for pharmaceuticals with Pfizer, worth KRW 922.7 billion. This amount represents 30.7% of the recent revenue.

Samsung Biologics had first signed a letter of intent for the contract manufacture of Pfizer's biopharmaceuticals worth KRW 536 billion (approximately USD 4

Chon, Seung-Hyun(1000@dailypharm.com)
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