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'Apply preferential pricing to non-inferior new drugs'

By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Kim, Jung-Ju

23.08.10 12:10:53

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The current drug pricing calculation structure sets drug prices less than weighed average of its alternative

Industry asks for the highest price of its alternatives to compensate for the non-inferior new drug’s innovative value

With the government planning to release a drug price reform plan that includes a fair value compensation plan for innovative new drugs as early as next month, attention is focused on whether the reform will include a preferential measure for new drugs that demonstrate non-inferiority.

This is because most of the new drugs that domestic pharmaceutical companies have successfully developed are new drugs that have demonstrated non-inferiority to existing drugs.

Until now, non-inferior new drugs have been listed at a price below the weighted average of its alternatives. Therefore, the industry has been criticizing how the prices do not properly reflect the innovativeness of the developed new dru

Lee, Tak-Sun(hooggasi2@dailypharm.com)
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