2nd-gen CML drug approved for reimb following 4th-gen drug
By Eo, Yun-Ho | translator Kim, Jung-Ju
23.09.10 15:51:58
Scemblix listed for reimb in July after accepting the weighted average price of its alternatives
‘Bosulif’ applies for reimb soon after its approval...passes DREC on condition

Companies are actively working to expand insurance coverage for their prescription chronic myeloid leukemia treatments in Korea.
According to the industry sources, Novartis Korea's 4th generation CML treatment ‘Scemblix (asciminib)' was listed for reimbursement last July, and Pfizer Korea's 2nd generation drug 'Bosulif (bosutinib)' also recently received conditional approval and passed the National Health Insurance Service’s Drug Reimbursement Evaluation Committee review.
As Bosulif is a latecomer to the area, it is expected that there will be no major difficulties for the company in accepting DREC’s evaluated amount.
Contrary to expectations, Scemblix, a next-generati
Eo, Yun-Ho(unkindfish@dailypharm.com)
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