Results of the 2nd price ceiling reevals to be released soon
By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Kim, Jung-Ju
23.11.17 12:05:05
Will start negotiations in mid-December…plans to conduct preliminary discussions with companies due to the short deadline

The National Health Insurance Service plans to hold a preliminary briefing session before starting its main negotiations for the 2nd drug price ceiling re-evaluations.
The authorities decided upon this measure to inform companies in advance about the documents that would need to be submitted for negotiations due to the tight 10-day negotiation deadlines.
According to industry sources on the 17th, the NHIS will be conducting an online briefing session for the 2nd drug price ceiling re-evaluation negotiations on the 23rd.
The NHIS said, “Due to our tight schedule, including the Drug Reimbursement Evaluation Committee meeting expected in early December, we expect t
Lee, Tak-Sun(
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