Will non-face-to-face prescriptions of Wegovy be banned?
By Lee, Jeong-Hwan | translator Alice Kang
24.10.24 05:45:37
Rep Joo-Young Lee, ¡°Non-face-to-face prescriptions of post-partum contraceptives are banned ¡¦measures should be taken to prevent misuse of Wegovy¡±
Minister Oh ¡°Sent letter to refrain advertising non-face-to-face prescription of obesity drugs...prescription restrictions requires discussions.¡±
The MOHW Minister Kyoo-hong Cho also responded that he would actively engage in Oh's request for discussions.
On the 23rd, Rep. Joo Young Lee, a lawmaker from the Reform Party, asked Oh about the misuse of obesity drugs through non-face-to-face prescriptions.
Rep Lee said, ¡®The anticipated concerns regarding obesity treatment have become a reality. After the release of Wegovy on the 15th, in addition to the illegal sales and advertisements of the
Lee, Jeong-Hwan(junghwanss@dailypharm.com)
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