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30-day negotiation window for essential medicines

By Lee, Tak-Sun | translator Hong, Ji Yeon

24.12.04 05:08:02

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NHIS has started collecting public opinions on revisions…aim to promote the new drug's innovative value

The National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) has started revising guidelines related to the government's initiative to improve the drug pricing system to 'reflect on the new drug innovative value.'

First, the NHIS announced to introduce Risk Sharing Agreement (RSA) types and has reduced the time required to negotiate pricing adjustments for national essential medicines.

The NHIS has recently drafted a revision to the guidelines for drug price negotiations and detailed matters for RSA drug price negotiations, collecting public opinions. The deadline for submitting opinions is December 4.

Regarding revision to the guidelines for drug price negotiations, the NHIS established

Lee, Tak-Sun(hooggasi2@dailypharm.com)
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