7 out of 10 doctors, the government was wrong with COVID-19
By Kang, Shin-Kook | translator Choi HeeYoung
20.03.30 15:39:19
Questionnaire survey on the COVID-19 events through the KMA
84.1% of the respondents said that the government should have been in the early stages of restrictive entry into China
Seven out of ten doctors found that the government's response to the COVID-19 was wrong.
The Korean Medical Association (Chairman Dae-Zip Choi) conducted a questionnaire survey on the COVID-19 events through the doctoral survey on the 20th to 24th, and published the results on the 30th.
As a result of the survey, 39.1% (621 people) of the respondents answered that 'correct responses were not achieved at all' and 29.8% (473 people) answered that 'correspondence was somewhat insufficient' It was found that 68.9% of all respondents in the year were negatively evaluated.
On the other hand, 16.6% (264 people) said that 'it worked to some extent' and 6.1% (97 people) said that they
Kang, Shin-Kook(ksk@dailypharm.com)
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